Is your marketing good, bad or ugly?

It’s not always easy to benchmark our own performance – some of us can be overly self-critical, others are perhaps not tough enough on themselves. In some instances, it’s just hard to know what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are.
One of the reasons we always complete a Marketing MOT with a new client is to make sure we have a shared understanding of the current position before we start any projects. This helps us jointly agree priorities, set targets, timescales and plan resources.
We’ve refined the MOT process over a number of years, but it still involves a few meetings and plenty of analysis work on our part to produce a robust picture. However, if you want to get a rough snapshot of how strong your marketing is, we’ve put together a quick self-grader tool you can download.
To download the tool, just visit the Marketing MOT page of our website and fill in the form in the column on the right.
Using the tool should take no more than 5 minutes and then you will have a good idea of how your marketing scores overall, where your strengths lie and where there is most room for improvement.
If you would like any help using the tool or in interpreting the results, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.