After nearly 2 years of working with the lovely team at Argenta, it was sad to come to the end of their Growth Accelerator sales and marketing project but there was plenty of success to celebrate at the same time. I sat down with Chris Woodhams, their MD, to review the successes, challenges and the lessons we learned from our work together as we completed our Project Closure Report.
It’s always a great idea for management to review the progress is made from the start of the project to its completion. Both Chris and I are very busy people. We each run our own businesses. We have to cope with the daily juggling act of different tasks, different people and delivering great work for customers whilst keeping an eye on the finances and the admin tasks. Taking time out for refection is precious and valuable.
It’s difficult in the hurly burly of modern business to remember how far we’ve progressed from our starting point. It’s important to realise that issues that seemed enormously challenging 2 years ago are now resolved. It gives us a sense of purpose in our business and a sense of personal achievement.
Success should be shared with our support team. In our example other people, some newly recruited into the business, had made progress with new systems and processes. They learned to be a little bolder with their prospective customers, they acquired new skills in the use of websites, social media and PR. Together we set up a whole series of regional events for peers and apprentices from different companies to share ideas about new technology. They learned how to get a creative agency to deliver a brief or had the confidence to address a regional industry business conference. The whole team had learned to work together in new ways so that they delivered on their project. That teamwork and mastering of new skills should be applauded and recognised.
Finally it’s good to think about the issues that arose that we didn’t expect. As with most events that go wrong in life, these are the lessons we are least likely to forget or repeat in the future but they need to be acknowledged.
I’ll finish with some questions to ask yourself and your team.
What projects are due to be reviewed in your business?
Are you going to give yourself a pat on the back for mastering something new or achieving something that looked challenging at the start? If so, what’s the reward?
In what ways has your team moved forwards?
Are you rewarding those of your employees or peers that embrace change and improve the business?
What lessons have you learned that will make life smoother and more successful into the future?
Don’t forget to celebrate your successes!