Gill Hutchinson, Enterprise Advisor to Woodrush High School in Wythall, is appealing to local businesses to support their annual careers fair on Tuesday, 8th May from 10.30am until 3pm.
Cheryl Bishop,Careers Event co-ordinator, shares their plan for the day.
We are looking for a range of employment sectors and professions to attend our Careers Fair to enable our students to have the opportunity to think about a plan of action and give them aspirations for their futures.
We will hold the fair in the sports hall, and set up the area for students to come and talk with you. Times to be confirmed but we estimate would need you to be at the school between the hours of 10.30am until 3.00pm, as we would also like the opportunity for Year 8 to attend again this year, prior to them making their pathways choices. Year 10 will attend as part of their Careers Aspire Day and we would like to include Year 11, 12 and 13 for the last hour of the day.
There will be a break for lunch (refreshments will be provided).
If you are interested and able to attend could you please contact Cheryl Bishop as soon as possible on 01564 823 777 or email for more details. We are keen to start planning and do hope you can be part of our day.
If you need any further information, or have any further contacts who you feel would be able to support this event (or even future events), please feel free to get in touch or forward my contact details.
Kind regards
Cheryl Bishop
Careers Event Co-ordinator
01564 823 777