Book your free ‘Global Trading Readiness session’

Worcestershire Business Central have commissioned some Private industry specialists to provide individual company Brexit readiness sessions to ensure Worcestershire businesses are ready for future exports and imports from Europe.  These are honest, no nonsense sessions to give you the clarity you need to start or continue trade whatever happens after the  UK leaves the EU and at the end of the transition period to 31st December 2020.

But there is a bonus…  they will also help you to trade not just in Europe but Worldwide!  If you already trade internationally and want to exchange ideas, or perhaps you receive enquiries that you don’t know how to handle, it’s worth scheduling an hour in your diary for a free meeting.

Many business managers and owners have put off reviewing their systems and processes so far, perhaps waiting for more clarity about what the new trade conditions will be or thinking that their courier or freight forwarder will take care of everything on their behalf. There are things that can be reviewed and put into place right now, making sure your business is in good shape to take advantage of new opportunities and to manage smoothly any changes. The  advisors will help each business owner look at the different scenarios to do with changes in duties, tariffs, VAT etc which will affect cashflow and profit margins and is relevant for any business who has either customers or suppliers based in the EU or international customer and suppliers outside the EU.

The advisors will cover the arrangements in place to get ready if you have EU employees or plan to recruit staff from the EU in future.

The program of support ends in March, so don’t delay – arrange your meeting  with Gill, Steve, Sue or Kevin at a convenient time for you at 

Aardvark Marketing Consultanst | advisor team fro Brexit readiness







This program is sponsored by Worcestershire Business Central and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.