How does outsourcing help?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You probably already outsource, many people do. Maybe you use a bookkeeper, who you simply pay for the hours of work that they do. You don’t need to worry about their tax, or their holidays, or whether you need to upgrade their computer system. You can just hand over the work and not worry. They can deal with the complexities of their tax system, and sort out the problem with their computer crashing. You just pay them either by the hour, or by the job, whatever deal you have agreed upon. Outsourcing is excellent.

Bookkeeping is the obvious example of outsourcing, but marketing works very well as an outsourced service. Outsourcing your marketing ensures that your marketing program is delivered consistently and coherently and is not affected by any internal issues. If you have your marketing done in-house, you are more at risk of the feast and famine cycle.

As you become busy, you need to spend more time fulfilling orders, so you stop marketing, because you need that time to be spent on fulfillment. Gradually your sales pipeline dries up and then, panicking, you launch back into marketing, and the sales build up again, and so it goes on. This cycle is unproductive, and stressful for all involved.

If you have outsourced your marketing, your program will continue to be delivered consistently, giving you a steady flow through your sales pipeline. This will help to prevent the feast and famine cycle and will leave you able to concentrate on delivering a great service to your customers, in a more measured and less fraught manner.

If you would like to discuss outsourcing your marketing, contact us today on 01905 885 285 to arrange your meeting.

To learn more about the feast and famine cycle, please click to watch the video below.

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