As the heatwave arrived I was struck by the different clothing choices of those on the streets around me.
Some people appear to have their entire summer wardrobe purchased and waiting, poised for the first glimpse of the sun’s rays through fast retreating clouds. Others, sadly myself included, are still struggling out of their jeans, while frantically hunting for last year’s sundress, as the thermometer rises.
In the same way, our marketing needs to respond to the changing seasons. There is no point launching an expensive campaign to sell woolly hats in July, equally if you leave it too late into the winter, till January, most people have already bought a woolly hat. But advertising as summer rolls away into the first chilly hint of winter mornings is perfect.
Planning is essential, remember to think ahead through the year so that you leave yourself enough time to implement your ideas.
However, much like the seasons, we live in an ever changing world, so if we have a late summer, don’t stick rigidly to launching your woolly hat campaign on a certain date, be flexible.
Make sure you know where your sundress is, and keep an eye on the weather for the optimum time to pop it on.
Be prepared, be flexible, be successful.
Happy marketing!